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Krispy Kreme seems to garner intense feelings from people: Many people greatly enjoy their doughnuts; others strongly dislike the company for their extreme popularity. If forced into one of these two positions, I would be among the former. I like Krispy Kreme, and I like twenty-five or twenty-six of the thirty-or-so varieties they offer at a given time, so I was quite disappointed when my close encounter with KK doughnuts this morning didn't pan out.

Mike's mom and stepfather were passing near Madison on their way to Chicago, and Mike decided to hitch a ride with them, and his high school buddy Chris decided to tag along. When Mike's mom came up to drop some stuff of for Mike she handed me a half-box of Krispy Kremes which contained three chocolate iced kreme filled, one glazed chocolate cake, and one chocolate iced glazed. I like the latter two flavors, but not the first. But alas! Mike and Chris, who each grabbed a single doughnut on their way out seemed to have similar tastes. I ended up taking the remaining three doughnuts down to the front desk and telling the RA to give them away as she saw fit.

Does anyone really like 'kreme' and custard filled doughnuts? Would anyone miss them if Krispy Kreme mercifully took them out of the line-up?

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