

Since we only get two meals on Saturday and Sunday, I often try to squirrel away a couple of cookies on Friday so that I'll have something to fill the gaps in the day. Yesterday, I grabbed a couple chocolate chip cookies and a couple slices of white bread, the store-bought kind that's only one step above Wonder Bread. I stuck the whole stash in a Gladware container so that it wouldn't dry out. Returning to it after my evening run, I found that the bread had dried out anyway, but instead of losing the moisture to the air, it all transfered to the cookies on top of it. The bottom cookie was soggy to the point of falling apart, and the one above it was very much on the damp side. I know that cookies are rather dry things in general, but this discovery still makes me wonder about Wonder Bread. Do they bake it in a sauna or something?

(Mike, Sarah, Nat, and Claire are all away this weekend, so it's just me and the blog. I tried to stick to the common theme of deserts - ice cream, doughnuts, slushies, and cookies - to keep me from posting too often.)

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