
Intriguing Product

I've decided to add a regular feature to this blog. Hopefully about once a month, I'll add a link to a new and interesting small online business. I'm not actually a customer of all these stores, but I hope that each one of these succeed.

The first official Intriguing Product is 420 Jars



I took the GRE today. It wasn't my favorite way to spend 4 hours, but it was more enjoyable than the PSAT, SAT, or SAT II. It's done on the computer, so I was able to see my scores for the Verbal and Quantitative sections as soon as the test was done (660 and 800, respectively). My writing section, of course, has to be graded by a human, so I'll have to wait a couple weeks before I hear about that.



I read the book Slaughterhouse-Five in the past twenty-four hours. It's a quick, yet compelling read. It's a good one to borrow from the library: easily done before its due, and probably not one to read more than twice.


Since 1984

Happy twentieth, Ryan.
