My most vocal critic who goes by the clever moniker of "JamesSux" commented on my
20 October post:
James, you are so lame. Why do you write stupid nonsense? Oh, your eyes meet, blah, blah. Is this a romance novel?
Dude. It's
my blog. It's called (as you can read at the top of the window) "The Life and Times of James Lucas Hepokoski." Because this blog has only one title, we can safely conclude that it is NOT called
Entertainment For Everyone
You Should Read This Blog Because It Will Make You A Better And Happier Person Who Is Very, Very, Very Close To Jesus.
If you hate me or what I say here, don't feel compelled to read this blog. I assure you, not
all of the cool kids are reading my blog on a regular basis. It's okay to read other things. I personally enjoy reading many things that are not this blog. Such as books.
Well, JamesSux, I suspect that I don't really need to explain why the comments that you (JamesSux) have added thus far are less welcome the scattered comments I've received from others (i.e. those who do not call themselves "JamesSux"). If you presented your criticism with a little politeness and wit or (heaven forbid) mixed it up with a touch of positive feedback when I get things "right," I wouldn't mind so much. I can laugh at myself, and a simple "Getting a bit mushy, are we?" would have said as much as "James, you are so lame. Why do you write stupid nonsense? Oh, your eyes meet, blah, blah. Is this a romance novel?" and done it without being mean.
As for the types of posts here, I don't think any of my politically-tinted posts have been "rants." They are not careful analyses or great essays, but they have been short and, in my opinion, light. As for anything overly sappy, I can only ask for your patience. This blog serves as a safeguard against the fragility of my own memory, and I'd hate to forget something merely because it didn't interest someone else.
You're welcome to think any of my posts are "lame," but calling me "lame" (which is what you did), is so simple-minded that it adds nothing to the conversation. I think my sister and I stopped calling each other "lame" when we were in elementary school.
And you are right in than my distate for our president is clear. In saying that my posts are "light" I mean that no one should think that they represent conclusive reasoning upon which one can base their own decision. The posts express my opinion and hopefully amuse those that share them.
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