

With the tube down I'm walking everywhere and becoming better acquainted with the streets surrounding my main route to school. My mental map expands, as does my appreciation of the intuitiveness of London's rather organic road layout. The grid of New York is rational and understandable, but the web that is London seems to guide to the undirected to identifiable points of interest.

I'm also becoming better acquainted with the local grocery store. On the previous trips a number of foods managed to elude me. The most frustrating of these was sesame seeds, which I could not find even after I searched among the spices and the Asian food products. Today, however, I had an epiphany as I walked past a towering display of crusty baguettes, and, sure enough, sesame seeds were between walnuts and poppy seeds in the baking aisle. As if to crown my modest but satisfying achievement, I had the opportunity to help another shopper—a young Moslem mother—find "powder you put on baby after bath." Fortunately for me, Johnson & Johnson is over here too, and the bottle wasn't too hard to spot.

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