
A dialogue

Journey with me, if you will, to a sunny beach, where I am climbing to the top of a lifeguard stand to replace a co-worker. Generic greetings are exchanged, and then a conversation unfolds:

Guard: So when do you leave for Syracuse?
James: I won't be going back to New York until January since I'm going to be in London this semester.
Guard: That's right. So do you speak French well?
James: Uh, no. I took Spanish in school.
Guard: I suppose lots of people speak English anyway.
[long pause]
James: Yeah.
[The guard begins to climb down from the chair]
James: Where exactly do you think London is?
[The guard freezes.]
Guard: Uhhhh, it's not in France?
James: London is the capital of England.
Guard: Oh. They speak English there. What was I thinking of?
James: Paris?
Guard: Paris!

Anyway, I'm going to London soon. I'll be posting more often, I hope.


Eric Allix Rogers said...

Ah yes. This reminds me of that moment in 8th grade "computer" class (in which we played "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?" for a grade) when one of my erudite companions asked me "Is Europe in France?". Best question ever!

Have a safe trip, and do blog about it if it's interesting :-)

Unknown said...

Here's hoping the region of the brain responsible for geography retention is distinct from the lifesaving skills region.

Enjoy a Strongbow in London for me.
