
An Odyssey Completed

I finished Ulysses this afternoon. I enjoyed it greatly, and I'm looking forward to reading it again. I might have to settle with the 1961 version of the text however, since my Gabler Edition is in unimpressive condition, partially due to standard wear and tear, mostly due the poor binding, which I've had to glue in numerous places throughout the semester.

I read much of the final episode of the book yesterday afternoon up on the sundeck with Sarah. It was an excellent day for such a pastime, and the experience was further enhanced by our trip to Jamba Juice beforehand. Jamba is introducing a new line of naturally caffeinated drinks, and we both received coupons for free drinks. I had the Matcha Green Tea Blast.
Matcha green tea powder enticingly blended with soymilk, nonfat frozen yogurt, sorbet and ice for a cool and creamy burst of energy! High in protein, calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. The power of Matcha, with antioxidants, theophylline and caffeine, makes this a blast.
Bad punctuation aside, the description proved accurate. The flavor reminded me of green tea icecream, but the texture was far superior.

1 comment:

Annika said...

THAT'S MY FAVORITE DRINK! well, that and chocolate mood.
