

This post refers to the 27 March 2005 post "Back In the Madtown / Out."

I just received the following memo from the Highlander staff:
Topic: THEFT

Dear Highlander Resident:

We regret to inform you that in the recent weeks there have been a number of theft incidences within the building. iPods, various CDs and (pathetically enough) beverages are a few of the things that have been targeted by the thieves....
I'm quite proud of my 'pathetically enough.'

I also got the pleasant news (as a result of the post) that the professor who I believe to be in South America actually made a relatively small mistake. His "relationship" seems to have been a single phone call that he made after much pressuring on the student's part. Professor Cohen, however, remains very much in trouble.

1 comment:

H James Lucas said...

The sodas are gone for good. My request for restitution is making its way through the red tape. I think my request for $20 caught them off guard; I might end up getting somewhat less, but I might get the full amount; the RD did seem convinced when I explained to him how $20 would be necessary to replace the sodas stolen.
