
The Name Is Yoshimi

Claire and I went to the Mall of America today. We were planning to go bowling, but the prices were ridiculously high, so we decided to play a little air-hockey and wander around a bit. We popped into Sam Goody, and I picked up the most recent release from The Flaming Lips, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. Actually I got the DVD Version, but it has the original CD too. The packaging doesn't include the lyrics, which is disappointing, but the 5.1 mix of the album is quite an experience. It's my first new music of what looks to be an exciting summer. Wilco's A Ghost is Born and Dave Matthews Band's The Gorge are both due out in late June, and CAKE's Pressure Chief is in the pipeline. Hooray!


JoAnna said...

just wanted to say what's up to a fellow dmb fan and nancies member!
-JoAnna (Jluvsu2)

H James Lucas said...

I would also like to note that Fatboy Slim's next album, Palookaville, is set for an early-October release as well.
