
Mothers' Day

Kingford Charcoal has been running a Mothers' Day radio commercial through the past week or so. Its kind of a silly commercial; a guy gift-wraps a steak (fresh of the grill) and gives it to his wife. Okay, whatever. However, after the skit is done, a smooth sounding voice-over guy comes on and says, "Mothers' Day is here and its the perfect time to grill, so grab a bag of Kingsford Charcoal and head for the back yard. You'll get the great flavor of Kingsford Charcoal, and you'll keep Mom out of the kitchen, which ought to make any mother's day."

Ought? Ought? Does he mean that good mother should be thankful simply because her husband allows to step out of the kitchen for a while? What is this? 1953? Kingsford has gotten at least one angry letter. I'm just sorry I didn't write before today.

Happy Mother's Day, and to all the moms out there, thank you.


Anonymous said...

Yay feminism!

Anonymous said...

It's good to see that there are some guys out there who actually recognize these sort of things! Way to go!
