
A Needed Pick-Me-Up

Despite taking my preparatory studying seriously, the Cryptography exam was still like a sledgehammer to the face. I actually took a moment to calculate the exam's probable affect on my GPA. (I still expect to graduate.)

On my way back from the exam I popped into to Walgreens to buy a 16 oz. "double size" can of ROCKST★R Energy Drink, which I discovered during the finals period last December was a caffeine source much to my liking. As I continued back toward the Highlander, I ran into a stand with people handing out free 8.4 oz cans of the same stuff. I asked the guy who handed me a can, "Where were you when I was down the street buying a big can?" He looked surprised and asked me if I had the can on me, which, of course, I did. I showed him and he told me I could have either a t-shirt or a cap. I'm not a cap guy, so I took a t-shirt, which actually looks pretty cool. It was a pick-me-up without the caffeine.

(I note that the Oxford English Dictionary uses a quotation from Ulysses as an example for a very different definition of 'pick-me-up':
2. A woman who readily allows herself to be picked up; a prostitute. Cf. PICK-UP n. 3. 1922 JOYCE Ulysses 49 She lives in Leeson park, with a grief and kickshaws, a lady of letters. Talk that to some else, Stevie: a pickmeup.
which comes from lines 3.429-430 in the Gabler edition.)

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