
Under Contruction

Today I begin the very dangerous process of redesigning the site. I've never done it before, so I'm only assuming its dangerous because it seems like a tenth of the pages out there have messages like:
Please be patient while we redesign our site. We'll be back before the new millennium.
So something must have happened to all those people. Anyway, I'm going to attempt it. I want some more blues and greens. Orange is nice, but just not my thing. Maybe I'll tinker with the fonts later on. Ooh...apparently I can make text scroll across the page. Maybe I could use this a whole lot to empasize the important parts. Everone would love it!
In the mean time, there will be problems. Line breaks in the wrong places. Mis-matched font sizes. I know. I'm still learning about HTML and this whole "Internet" thing.

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