

Apparently, my DMB CDs were here the whole time, but got lost in the office like so many of my packages. Grrr. And Yay!


Where is The Central Park Concert? I want my DMB!


Backstreet's Back

I find this notable not so much because of the message, but the unparalleled quality for a flash parody: I Want a Fat Babe. More stuff from the same guys can be found here.


Since 1953

Happy fiftieth, Mom!


There is no spoon.

I watched The Martix Revolutions on Sunday, and found the final third of the trilogy to be quite satisifying. The plot seemed to develop naturally, and at the end I felt that Revolutions was much like the scene in the Merovingian's restaurant: "What happened happened and could not have happened any other way." Were the sequels as strong as the original? Not quite, but in this case, I'm glad to have seen them anyway.


Breaking News

I just ate three caramel apples.



Halloween in Madison: Yes, there is much drunkenness, but before the alcohol goes to everyone's head, Halloween is a night for guys to show their creativity, self-confidence, and sense of humor and for girls to be really, really slutty.

On a side note, I spent the bulk of today at Old World Wisconsin. It is a truly amazing historic attraction, designed by my Landscape Architecture instuctor Professor William H. Tishler. We got back just in time for the evening festivities. A great field trip!
